Sample News!

Go to posts and click “add new” to replace this blurb with some new news to share with the people of Earth. Keep the titles down a few words and you’ll do just fine. If these posts contains more than 100 words, they will trail off with an ellipses and a “continue reading” button will pop up for the viewer to click on, which will take them to another page for them to view the entire content.

Keep in mind, while paragraph formatting of these posts will show up on the post’s page that is viewable under “More -> Latest News,” or my clicking the post-title on the homepage, or by clicking the “continue reading” button when it is visible on the homepage, the first 100 words will appear as a single paragraph in the homepage blurb.

For example, if you’re reading this, you’ll notice it’s three paragraphs long. Look where the first paragraph ends and the second paragraph begins. Now look at the home page. It appears to be one paragraph.

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